Happy 2019!


Happy New Year, 2019! Every year, I resolve to do so many things at the beginning of the year. I usually lose track of them after a couple of weeks. As such, instead of making a bunch of ridiculous promises, I have instead set some goals.


This year, I am not setting a reading goal number. I know it sounds silly, but the number stresses me out. By getting caught up in what number I’m on, I lose track of what I actually enjoy reading. I am actively choosing books that I know I will enjoy. Hopefully, this keeps me reading, but doesn’t make me worry about falling behind.

I want to write something every day, be it a blog post or a journal entry. I find when I write that I feel a shade less stressed out. Having a creative outlet puts my mind at ease. In the same vein, I hope to travel more. Hopefully, my friends and I will put together a quick trip at some point this year. In March, I am flying to NYC to see a friend from school, who I haven’t seen in years.

Health tends to be at the forefront of my resolutions, but I never stick with them. This year I want to drink more water and a lot less coffee. My health still matters, but I’m not making it a goal or a resolution. I need a lifestyle change, not an innocuous promise. That’s something else that I will be talking about later, but it will still be a major theme in this year.

I’ve got an entire Friday Night Chores post coming for you but the gist is to spend your Friday Night doing stupid chores. This way you don’t have to waste Saturday or Sunday on errands and chores. Instead, get it done on a day that’s already three quarters gone due to work.

Finally, I want to laugh, smile and thrive. I want to just enjoy this year. I turn thirty in August, so I want to finish out twenty-nine on a high note. Hopefully, this year will be filled with joy, new experiences, and exciting opportunities. I hope your year is filled with these things too! Happy New Year, 2019, please be good to us all.

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