It is what it is…

I want… no I NEED this Alex & Ani bracelet! My family has a habit of saying, “It is what it is.” It has been a part of my vocabulary since I could speak. More recently, I have been trying to live by this motto a bit more often. I have a tendency to get stressed out over small things. A friend of mine said the other day he could hear my pulse rising from 400 miles away and if I didn’t calm down an aneurysm was imminent. I am a list maker and a planner.

When things do not go according to plan or someone has failed to meet my expectations, or (GAME OF THRONES SPOILER) Jon Snow dies, I spiral into a complete freak out. I’m doing everything I can to make up for the failures, compensate, or come up with some sort of alternative that gets to the result I initially planned. It makes for a great employee because I’m constantly picking up others slack and making sure everything stays organized and on time. It helps others greatly. The one who suffers is me. I get home and I’m beyond stressed. It takes me extra time to fix all the problems, adds more on my plate to do the other parts of the job that were left unfinished, and requires me to get in early to make sure everything is lined up for other people to do their jobs more easily.

So in order to delay the inevitable aneurysm, I am trying to live by the mantra it is what it is. I am still going to make lists and be a planner. I am still going to pick up the slack and try to make sure the trains run on time, but I’m going to stop having a melt down when my plans fail. It is also the first habit in becoming a highly effective person. If you hadn’t seen in earlier posts, I am reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and will be periodically updating my journey to becoming a more effective person.

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