People are the most important factor in any person’s life.

I never realized until college how much I needed people. Personally, the only way to make it through anything is with a support system. It can be family, it can be friends, it can be co-workers or it can be a significant other, but it needs to be someone.They don’t need to have gone through what you are going through, but as long as they can empathize and make you feel as though someone cares that’s all that matters. I am often guilty of pushing people away, or worrying that I am being too needy. When that happens I stop asking for help or I stop talking about what is upsetting me. I have learned to stop doing that. I want you to learn too. If someone cares, then you will never be too needy. Not talking, not asking for help only quickens a downward spiral. There is someone out there and they will listen if you talk, be it life changing or trivial. But just as much as you need to have a support system, it is so rewarding to be apart of another person’s support system. To know that you can help them and make a difference in their life if they are struggling. Relationships are what keeps this world going, be sure to nurture yours.

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